By means of business advice, design thinking and lean product development methods, we have gone through an extensive and exciting process during the past 3 years. In order to acquire knowledge about the market of ‘work’ and its current and future developments, we have attended numerous lectures, fairs, consultations with experts in the field, and experimented with different methods and design strategies – with the goal of designing more happy and creative working environments.
As a substantial part of our research, we have focused on understanding the needs of office workers in different professions, positions and companies regarding their physical surroundings.
Based on our findings resulting from interviews and observations, we have come to develop two different design products, which offer innovative solutions for improving creativity, inspiration and individual feeling of happiness at the workspace.
One of them – INDIVIDE – is an innovative and flexible workstation for open office spaces that encourages creativity and communication, while respecting the individual need of balance and personal space.